Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Quiz and a Change

First off, Quiz Answers:

Bird #1 was a Solitary Sandpiper

Bird #2 was a Least Sandpiper

And here is a tough one, another peep, but the photo shows a great silhouette of this bird

Bird #3

So there is some news that needs to shared.  Look! A Seagull! has moved.  We are now no longer situated in New England and now find ourselves in the South!  Specifically Georgia!  Here are two pictures to celebrate that move.

Red-Spotted Purple 

Prairie Warbler, can you find him?

In the meantime, Look! A Seagull! is looking forward to exploring the Southeastern United States and becoming more familiar with all the diffierent flora and fauna that make this region so unique!  Until the next time, get out and go birding!

Link to Wild Bird Wednesday - Link here


  1. That means......more new birding areas! Love the Prairie!

  2. Beautiful butterfly. Are you experiencing culture shock yet?
